dxb sharing is the first platform meant to bring people closer by sharing things can it be shared with others.
Share Accommodation
If you’re newly moved in or simply don’t know anyone who is looking for a roommate, you’ll likely have to take your roommate search online. So what are the best ways to find a roommate online? dxb sharing is the solution for you.
Share a Trip
Planning a trip? Want someone to share the journey with? Your travel companion is just a click away
Share a Ride
Ridesharing is to one-time shared trips arranged between 2 or more. All passengers share a total ride cost, so the car owner saves on fuel costs. share the ride.. share the road with new people and make more friends.
Share a meal
Food is more than survival. With it we make friends, court lovers, and count our blessings. The sharing of food has always been part of the human story.
Share an Activity
While sharing activities is great, sharing with friends tends to be more exciting, and also helps to strengthen the bonds of friendship.
Share Pets
Pets sharing can also provide your pet with a known, trusted temporary “family” and “home” during times when you have to be away for a few days or longer